Saturday, January 6, 2007

Dr. Theist Can You Fix My Equation

I've made it through a second reading of Hawkings. I was hoping 2 assimilate the book in my working knowledge for instant recall in inner-dialogue but I am not used 2 the language in the book. I am going 2 buy a copy 2day 2 have for reference.

I can't seem 2 wrap myself around King's idea of separate roles of religion and science, especially as I entertain the idea of a unified theory that science moves toward. I picture a challenge from theist that "science has become your religion". There has 2 be an analogy here that excuses this thought. 2 theist science is my religion 2 me their is no religion. Remember this is an idea I am working towards. I don't believe in conclusions.

So I next need to explain how morality is shaped in the above view. For this I'll need more Bertrand Russell, perhaps some Dawkins.

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