Thursday, December 14, 2006

Obstacle Course

Last Saturday I had 2 Mormon missionaries visit my house. While I did not have time 2 entertain their mission I can't help but hold a certain respect for their faith. I recently listened to an interview with Noam Chomsky regarding faith. Chomsky tries 2 not have faith because he believes in a position enunciated by Bertrand Russell 2 keep away from having irrational beliefs. He further clarifies that what we believe should have some evidence. So equality, justice and peace are not principals we have faith in but commitments we hold supported by evidence. The respect I've held for people very disciplined in their church doctrine has recently been shaken. Most of my concerns come from the political arena of the past 5 years. The major issues being war, gay marriage, abortion, stem-cell research and 9/11. I formerly thought the largest obstacle 2 stability in this world was education and poverty but as I see educated people, bred in comfort, flying planes in2 buildings I'm lead 2 believe that faith might be a larger obstacle than I had considered.


Anonymous said...

You sound like an idiot

Anonymous said...

Sam Harris has had an impact on you.
I've been amazed lately at school with some people who are obviously extremely intelligent (better than average) yet they consistently subvert logic and reasoning to nonsense beliefs. To give you an example- a friend of mine supports war ordained by our government because it was an act of the sovereign and according to him (from the Bible he says) and act of the sovereign is ordained by God. What? What about the 179 or so sovereigns out there? Is every act ordained by God, even if they are contradictory?
I just don't get it. I don't know much about this ridulous theory you might know more...

Anonymous said...

Nice of God to chime in on your blog, guess he's got all the other problems taken care of or maybe just testing our faith with them. Watching a BBC program, "The Atheism Tapes". Interviews with physicists, philosophers, and Dawkins (of course). I'm gonna have to burn these for ya too.