Friday, January 26, 2007

The book I'm reading by George Packer is providing some much needed background on the build up 2 the Iraq War. Books of this nature, written by a journalist, always take me a long time 2 get through because I am constantly checking primary sources.

The most shocking discovery I've made are the neo-conservative designs for the Middle East developed during the 90's. Essentially the most highly regarded plan was "an everyone move to your left" strategy. They would encourage Israel 2 drop their socialist economic policies, ignore the peace process, and bring the fight 2 Palestinians. At the same time Saddam Hussein would be removed by a U.S. backed coup. Following the coup in Iraq the original Hashemite Kingdom would be restored 2 King Hussein of Jordan moving the Jordanians 2 Iraq. The Palestinians would be given Jordan and Israel would maintain the occupied territories.

I have 2 be missing something because this plan seems beyond crazy. I'm left wondering if these "intellectuals" could actually be this inept. The scary part is it displays exactly the historical and cultural ignorance we show today in our dealings with the Middle East.

The following study was the precursor 2 the above mentioned plan, a letter 2 Israel.
A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

Another example is an article written by Paul Wolfowitz, in 1997, that clearly displays the priorities of a man who would be given power in the Bush Administration.
Overthrow Him

And finally an outline going back 2 1992, showing how the Iraq War was premeditated.
Lie By Lie

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