Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You may want 2 read this...

"The Assassins' Gate" is likely to be the definitive guide to one of the most outrageous scandals in U.S. history: the Bush administration's total failure to plan for the aftermath of a war of choice. That failure may have doomed the entire adventure. It cost the United States billions of dollars and hundreds of lives. Its cost to the Iraqi people and nation, which now faces a possible civil war, cannot be calculated. In a just world, Bush, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Feith and their underlings would be standing before a Senate committee investigating their catastrophic failures, and Packer's book would be Exhibit A.

After the past few months of dabble in modal logic and religion I've decided a release is needed. I've put down the philosophers and picked up some current affairs. Outside daily rounds through my journals of choice I haven't read an extended survey on the situation in Iraq. I picked up this book by George Packer. After reading the prologue and a few book reviews, like the above captioned from, it appears 2 be as good as any. The narrative of a journalist will be an island vacation from robot philosophers.

The Assassians Gate by George Packer

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