The Assassin's Gate is lining up to be a must read. The first few chapters show more 2 the design of the Iraq War than simply protecting America and its strategic interests abroad. This might come as a surprise 2 many, it did 2 me. Packer writes an expose in the beginning chapters on the priorities of intellectual neo-conservatives guiding the Bush administration since 9/11. Read the first few chapters for Packer's definition of foreign policy in neo-conservative ideology, I would do it no justice here. The neo-conservative global outlook contrasts from the Clinton administration's by championing "democracy building" over "humanitarian intervention". The two are not synonymous nor are they mutually exclusive.
The neo-conservative priorities reflect a fervor of ideology we haven't seen en masse since the 1960's. The same zeal that moved our foreign policy over 40 years ago is lingering today. No movement has paused for moderation and has thus flown past or ignored facts that cost us success. Occupying and disappearing from Vietnam cost 2 many lives just like parading into Baghdad cost 2 many lives.
After only a third of the way through Packer's book I'm surprisingly convinced we have the intellectual capacity on both sides of the argument 2 disseminate the most peaceful route for Iraq. Will it be impossible 2 remove old politics?
America must create a government not threatened by the strength or resting on the weakness of others. This will require creative intellect that can only be checked by history because there is no precedent.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
The book I'm reading by George Packer is providing some much needed background on the build up 2 the Iraq War. Books of this nature, written by a journalist, always take me a long time 2 get through because I am constantly checking primary sources.
The most shocking discovery I've made are the neo-conservative designs for the Middle East developed during the 90's. Essentially the most highly regarded plan was "an everyone move to your left" strategy. They would encourage Israel 2 drop their socialist economic policies, ignore the peace process, and bring the fight 2 Palestinians. At the same time Saddam Hussein would be removed by a U.S. backed coup. Following the coup in Iraq the original Hashemite Kingdom would be restored 2 King Hussein of Jordan moving the Jordanians 2 Iraq. The Palestinians would be given Jordan and Israel would maintain the occupied territories.
I have 2 be missing something because this plan seems beyond crazy. I'm left wondering if these "intellectuals" could actually be this inept. The scary part is it displays exactly the historical and cultural ignorance we show today in our dealings with the Middle East.
The following study was the precursor 2 the above mentioned plan, a letter 2 Israel.
A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Another example is an article written by Paul Wolfowitz, in 1997, that clearly displays the priorities of a man who would be given power in the Bush Administration.
Overthrow Him
And finally an outline going back 2 1992, showing how the Iraq War was premeditated.
Lie By Lie
The most shocking discovery I've made are the neo-conservative designs for the Middle East developed during the 90's. Essentially the most highly regarded plan was "an everyone move to your left" strategy. They would encourage Israel 2 drop their socialist economic policies, ignore the peace process, and bring the fight 2 Palestinians. At the same time Saddam Hussein would be removed by a U.S. backed coup. Following the coup in Iraq the original Hashemite Kingdom would be restored 2 King Hussein of Jordan moving the Jordanians 2 Iraq. The Palestinians would be given Jordan and Israel would maintain the occupied territories.
I have 2 be missing something because this plan seems beyond crazy. I'm left wondering if these "intellectuals" could actually be this inept. The scary part is it displays exactly the historical and cultural ignorance we show today in our dealings with the Middle East.
The following study was the precursor 2 the above mentioned plan, a letter 2 Israel.
A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Another example is an article written by Paul Wolfowitz, in 1997, that clearly displays the priorities of a man who would be given power in the Bush Administration.
Overthrow Him
And finally an outline going back 2 1992, showing how the Iraq War was premeditated.
Lie By Lie
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
You may want 2 read this...
"The Assassins' Gate" is likely to be the definitive guide to one of the most outrageous scandals in U.S. history: the Bush administration's total failure to plan for the aftermath of a war of choice. That failure may have doomed the entire adventure. It cost the United States billions of dollars and hundreds of lives. Its cost to the Iraqi people and nation, which now faces a possible civil war, cannot be calculated. In a just world, Bush, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Feith and their underlings would be standing before a Senate committee investigating their catastrophic failures, and Packer's book would be Exhibit A.
After the past few months of dabble in modal logic and religion I've decided a release is needed. I've put down the philosophers and picked up some current affairs. Outside daily rounds through my journals of choice I haven't read an extended survey on the situation in Iraq. I picked up this book by George Packer. After reading the prologue and a few book reviews, like the above captioned from, it appears 2 be as good as any. The narrative of a journalist will be an island vacation from robot philosophers.
The Assassians Gate by George Packer
"The Assassins' Gate" is likely to be the definitive guide to one of the most outrageous scandals in U.S. history: the Bush administration's total failure to plan for the aftermath of a war of choice. That failure may have doomed the entire adventure. It cost the United States billions of dollars and hundreds of lives. Its cost to the Iraqi people and nation, which now faces a possible civil war, cannot be calculated. In a just world, Bush, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Feith and their underlings would be standing before a Senate committee investigating their catastrophic failures, and Packer's book would be Exhibit A.
After the past few months of dabble in modal logic and religion I've decided a release is needed. I've put down the philosophers and picked up some current affairs. Outside daily rounds through my journals of choice I haven't read an extended survey on the situation in Iraq. I picked up this book by George Packer. After reading the prologue and a few book reviews, like the above captioned from, it appears 2 be as good as any. The narrative of a journalist will be an island vacation from robot philosophers.
The Assassians Gate by George Packer
Friday, January 19, 2007
Lets Not Play Follow the Leader
The line the media tows is beginning 2 seem rather disciplined. Previously I was inclined 2 believe gaps in reporting and language were casual concession 2 the political speak of those governing. For example when American politicians refer 2 one nation's agents as "troops" or "soldiers" and another nation's agents as "terrorists", journalists concede these titles and report in such manner. Given that our "War On Terror" was recently declared (relatively recent) I would concede some time for the press 2 figure out what is balanced reporting on terrorism. It's an area that is new 2 my generation.
Being a student of history however I've found that the press throughout the 20th century had plenty of time 2 balance their reporting on terrorism. The "War On Terror" was actually declared in the 1980's with the Regan administration by the same actors in today's war (see Donald Rumsfeld). The war on terror in the '80s was primarily marked by C.I.A. (read U.S.A.) backed terrorist atrocities throughout Latin America. The press in the '80s, like today, would concede language 2 politicians so again the agents of the U.S.A. were "soldiers" or "freedom fighters" carrying out acts necessitated by "terrorists" from enemy countries. Internal government documents on these atrocities are becoming declassified, though highly censored, but I wouldn't expect any retractions from media outlets for what was very clearly poor reporting at the time. You can trace this controlled press back to WWII, explained in a great book "War Without Mercy:Race and Power in the Pacific War" by John Dower. Even WWI gives us Woodrow Wilson's Office of Public Relations which dealt with, among other items, controlling the press coverage 2 drum support for the war, handled very well by Chomsky and Herman in the book Manufacturing Consent. Do today's journalists ignore history?
Let's see how this issue has evolved today: how many times have you heard "WMDs" discussed in the past year? Not very many I imagine. The term you have probably heard more is "democracy building". This term however is being replaced, as the idea fades away, by "unmanageable Iraqi forces" and "uncontrollable sectarian violence". All sides of government are becoming comfortable saving face by pointing fingers at the Iraqi Government, Iraqi forces, and worst of all the Iraqi people. And the press seems willing 2 concede these targets 2 the politicians. This isn't casual concession it's disciplined propaganda. The larger travesty will be if history writes that once again the most powerful force in the equation of war failed 2 internalize the truest cause of failure, a scared and upset nation with arrogant leadership.
*Edit 1/23: I found this clip on youtube that helps to summarize perhaps the largest problem with the American media. (3 min 21 sec)
Being a student of history however I've found that the press throughout the 20th century had plenty of time 2 balance their reporting on terrorism. The "War On Terror" was actually declared in the 1980's with the Regan administration by the same actors in today's war (see Donald Rumsfeld). The war on terror in the '80s was primarily marked by C.I.A. (read U.S.A.) backed terrorist atrocities throughout Latin America. The press in the '80s, like today, would concede language 2 politicians so again the agents of the U.S.A. were "soldiers" or "freedom fighters" carrying out acts necessitated by "terrorists" from enemy countries. Internal government documents on these atrocities are becoming declassified, though highly censored, but I wouldn't expect any retractions from media outlets for what was very clearly poor reporting at the time. You can trace this controlled press back to WWII, explained in a great book "War Without Mercy:Race and Power in the Pacific War" by John Dower. Even WWI gives us Woodrow Wilson's Office of Public Relations which dealt with, among other items, controlling the press coverage 2 drum support for the war, handled very well by Chomsky and Herman in the book Manufacturing Consent. Do today's journalists ignore history?
Let's see how this issue has evolved today: how many times have you heard "WMDs" discussed in the past year? Not very many I imagine. The term you have probably heard more is "democracy building". This term however is being replaced, as the idea fades away, by "unmanageable Iraqi forces" and "uncontrollable sectarian violence". All sides of government are becoming comfortable saving face by pointing fingers at the Iraqi Government, Iraqi forces, and worst of all the Iraqi people. And the press seems willing 2 concede these targets 2 the politicians. This isn't casual concession it's disciplined propaganda. The larger travesty will be if history writes that once again the most powerful force in the equation of war failed 2 internalize the truest cause of failure, a scared and upset nation with arrogant leadership.
*Edit 1/23: I found this clip on youtube that helps to summarize perhaps the largest problem with the American media. (3 min 21 sec)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 the fortunate son
Most of the time I shy away from what I am about 2 write. Whenever the urge arises 2 expel in the manner that follows I remember the lines from Platoon, "You gotta be rich in the first place to think like that".
Recently I listened 2 the story of a wounded Iraq veteran whose father is a laid off steel worker and mother a secretary. My blood, which admittedly rests in more than modest comfort, can't help but condemn those who drape themselves in wealth and influence while appealing 2 freedom and patriotism as long as their interests are protected.
Some folks are born made to wave the flag,ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail To The Chief",oh, they point the cannon at you,
Lord,It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no senator's son,
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one, no,
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,Lord, don't they help themselves? oh.
But when the taxman come to the door,Lord, the house look a like a rummage sale, yes,
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no millionaire's son, no, no.
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one, no.
Yeh, some folks inherit star spangled eyes,ooh, they send you down to war,
Lord,And when you ask them, how much should we give,
oh, they only answer, more, more, more, yoh,
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no military son, SON,
NOIt ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one,
NO NOIt ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one,
no no no,It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no fortunate son, son son son
Recently I listened 2 the story of a wounded Iraq veteran whose father is a laid off steel worker and mother a secretary. My blood, which admittedly rests in more than modest comfort, can't help but condemn those who drape themselves in wealth and influence while appealing 2 freedom and patriotism as long as their interests are protected.
Some folks are born made to wave the flag,ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail To The Chief",oh, they point the cannon at you,
Lord,It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no senator's son,
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one, no,
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,Lord, don't they help themselves? oh.
But when the taxman come to the door,Lord, the house look a like a rummage sale, yes,
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no millionaire's son, no, no.
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one, no.
Yeh, some folks inherit star spangled eyes,ooh, they send you down to war,
Lord,And when you ask them, how much should we give,
oh, they only answer, more, more, more, yoh,
It ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no military son, SON,
NOIt ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one,
NO NOIt ain't me, it ain't me,I ain't no fortunate one,
no no no,It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no fortunate son, son son son
Monday, January 15, 2007
Holiday Cheer
Don't let anybody make you think God chose America as his divine messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations and saying "you are too arrogant, and if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I will place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name. Be still and know that I'm God. Men will beat their swords into plowshafts and their spears into pruning hooks, and nations shall not rise up against nations, neither shall they study war anymore."

The U.S. (L) A.
The number of Latin American countries electing leaders with an overwhelmingly socialist agenda continues 2 rise as Ecuador swore in President Correa today. Recently there was a meeting of leaders from Latin American countries discussing the formation of a Latin American Union. This meeting was virtually unreported by the press though its implications are dramatic. The group of leaders put together a commission to investigate and report within a year its findings.
*Edit: I found an article tonight written by Noam Chomsky on this very issue. Click this.
*Edit: I found an article tonight written by Noam Chomsky on this very issue. Click this.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Dr. Theist Can You Fix My Equation
I've made it through a second reading of Hawkings. I was hoping 2 assimilate the book in my working knowledge for instant recall in inner-dialogue but I am not used 2 the language in the book. I am going 2 buy a copy 2day 2 have for reference.
I can't seem 2 wrap myself around King's idea of separate roles of religion and science, especially as I entertain the idea of a unified theory that science moves toward. I picture a challenge from theist that "science has become your religion". There has 2 be an analogy here that excuses this thought. 2 theist science is my religion 2 me their is no religion. Remember this is an idea I am working towards. I don't believe in conclusions.
So I next need to explain how morality is shaped in the above view. For this I'll need more Bertrand Russell, perhaps some Dawkins.
I can't seem 2 wrap myself around King's idea of separate roles of religion and science, especially as I entertain the idea of a unified theory that science moves toward. I picture a challenge from theist that "science has become your religion". There has 2 be an analogy here that excuses this thought. 2 theist science is my religion 2 me their is no religion. Remember this is an idea I am working towards. I don't believe in conclusions.
So I next need to explain how morality is shaped in the above view. For this I'll need more Bertrand Russell, perhaps some Dawkins.
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